Fumaça Waterfall Chapada Diamantina

Road Map > Trekking

Fumaca Trek Chapada Diamantina 3 days

Fumaca Trek Chapada Diamantina

Fumaca Trek Chapada Diamantina

1st day- We start the Fumaca Trek walking from Lençóis to Rio Ribeirão (3 km). After we cross it we go up the Serra do Veneno till the top, crossing the mountains to reach the Toca da Onça, with an spectacular view of the Capivari´s Waterfall. We walk down the hill and reach Palmital Waterfall, where we stop to swim and relax. Than we walk to Capivara Waterfall, where we swim more and camp.
2nd Day- We go up the river till the Toca do Macaco where we leave the backpackers. Than we go up the Fumaça´s Stream till the 340 meters waterfall´s bottom, the main attraction of Fumaca Trek. Than we go back to sleep where we left the backpackers.
3rd day- We go up the Serra do Macaco to see the Fumaca Waterfall from its top. We stay some time enjoying the view and have lunch. After that we go down to Capão Valley where the car wait to drive us back to Lençóis. We can optate to do it upside down, starting in Capão Valley.

Obs.: All tours can be changed without notice because of weather conditions or the groups rhythm. This trek must be booked with one month in advance.

Fumaça Trek Chapada Diamantina prices (per person):

Obs.: We always work to reach3 or more travaleras, but we garantee the tours acording to the values bellow in case we don´t have at least 3 travalers. Those values are valid for groups open to other travalers, if you´d like to do the tours privately let us know to inform the private tours prices.

Fumaça 3 days total p/ person
1 traveler R$ 1.830,00
travelers R$ 1.060,00
travelers R$ 950,00
4 or more R$ 730,00

Includes: transportation, trained guide(s), food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and camping equipment (matress, sleeping bag and tent).


Fumaca Trek Pictures