Fumaça Waterfall Chapada Diamantina

Road Map > Trekking

Fumaca Waterfall´s top view and swim in Riachinho Waterfall

Fumaca Waterfall

Fumaca Waterfall

We start the Fumaca Waterfall hike with a car trip to Capão village, which takes 2 hours. The first part of the hike is steep, we go up for around 1 hour. Than we walk one more hour on flat to reach the Fumaca Waterfall´s top. This is the most delicate part of the Chapada Diamantina Fumaca hike, everyone must be very safe because it can be dangerous for those who are afraid of high. We have a fantastic view from the Fumaca Waterfall´s top and stop for rest and have lunch. After lunch and pictures we walk for 15 minutes untill another nice view from the side of the Fumaca Waterfall. Than we go same way back to the car and have a short car trip to Cachoeira do Rachinho to swim. To reach this waterfall we walk for 15 minutes. After swiming we go back to Lençóis in a 2 hours-car-trip.

Obs.: All routes can be adapted or changed without warning because of weather conditions, which can affect acess roads, or difficult of somebody from the group.


To see Fumaça´s Waterfall botton check the link bellow



Chapada Diamantina Fumaca Waterfall Pictures