

The Lençóis Rescue Environmental Brigade (Brigada de Resgate Ambiental de Lençóis), known as BRAL, is our parnter for many years and is one entity who works a lot for the environment. The main focus is fight against fire in our forrests, one of our biggest problems in the National Park, but they also go for rescues in case of accident and organizes environmental education activities and training of firefighters and rescuers. This is and nonprofit ONG.


To know Chapada Diamantina better and plan your trip check this webstore who can offer maos, books, press guides and magazines published sbout Chapada Diamantina.


Photos of Chapada

The photographer is Rui Rezende, big connoisseur of Chapada DIamantina. Is a great partner and has made expeditions with our staff for few days in the national park. He launched a book with his pictures of waterfalls and images of Chapada Diamantina, some of them are not in the turistical regular route. He knows very well all the region, not only the national park surroundings, such as the Gold Circuit, around Rio de Contas, Piatã, Abaíra., Morro do Chapéu, Jacobina e Miguel Calmon. Everyone will get impressed with his photos quality. Visit: